Shivananda Welfare Centre, Kotagala
The Central Province in Sri Lanka is host to upcountry people. The people predominantly work in the plantation sector. However, the socio-economic condition of the people has not progressed due to political and economic factors. In the past, the Mission has undertaken a few welfare and relief measures in this province. Nevertheless, there is a long-felt need to establish a permanent centre in the province to serve the community. It came to fruition when the Mission acquired a parcel of land donated for this purpose by Sri Vijayabalan Reddiyar of Harrington Estate in Kotagala.
On 5 February 2023, Swami Rajeswaranandaji, Senior monk of Ramakrishna Mission, Colombo, and Dr. S. Athira, Assistant High Commissioner of India in Kandy, in the presence of Swami Aksharatmanandaji, Vice President of Ramakrishna Mission, Sri Lanka, Swami Nilamadhavanandaji, General Manager, Ramakrishna Mission, Batticaloa, Swami Surarchitananda, Assistant General Manager, Ramakrishna Mission, Batticaloa, Sri Vijayabalan Reddiyar and other dignitaries, laid the foundation stone for a welfare centre at Harrington Estate in Kotagala. The centre, named after Swami Shivanandaji, a monastic disciple of Bhagavan Sri Ramakrishna, aims to provide education, medical, disaster relief, and other welfare schemes to the upcountry people.
At present, extensive work is underway to build this centre. The estimated cost of this project, including infrastructure, is 65 Million rupees. We have taken up this project on a high-priority basis and need urgent funds. Please find the appeal on our home page in this regard.